Google street view for 10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North Salisbury North SA, 5108

10 Bagster Road
Salisbury North SA 5108

Purchase property reports for 10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North 5108 available all in the one place, right at your fingertips! With InfoTrackGO you can find credible and reliable information that will give you peace of mind when investing in your next big life decision.

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Reports for 10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North 5108, SA

SA Title Search

1 hour

InformationStates registered owner and information regarding the mortgages, covenants, caveats and easements. For 10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North 5108, SA
AUD $69.66

Intellival Automated Valuation

1 hour

InformationAn Intellival Automated Valuation can give you key information and insights about your property. The report typically includes a price guide, property attributes, historical sale, recently sold properties and location insights. For 10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North 5108, SASample report
AUD $30.00
Google street view for Salisbury North 5108, SA10 Bagster Road, Salisbury North location

About the Area

Salisbury North with a population of 9,891 is a Suburb in South Australia and part of the Adelaide - North region. Salisbury North covers an area of 4.262 square km and its elevation is 29 meters. Median income is $24,024. It is governed by the local government of Salisbury (City).

Region: Adelaide - North
LGA: Salisbury (City)
City: Adelaide
Timezone: Australia/Adelaide
Population: 9.89K
Median Income: $24.0K AUD

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