Google maps view for Bugle Hut 5311, SA

Gordon Road
Bugle Hut 5311, SA

Purchase property reports for addresses in Gordon Road, Bugle Hut Bugle Hut SA, 5311 such as title searches.

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Google street view for Bugle Hut 5311, SA Gordon Road, Bugle Hut location

About the Area

Bugle Hut with a population of 27 is a Rural locality in South Australia and part of the South Australia - South East region. Bugle Hut covers an area of 253.227 square km and its elevation is 25 meters. Median income is $35,048. It is governed by the local government of Loxton Waikerie (District Council).

Region: South Australia - South East
LGA: Loxton Waikerie (District Council)
Timezone: Australia/Adelaide
Population: 0.03K
Median Income: $35.0K AUD