Google street view for 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat Arthurs Seat VIC, 3936

19 Nestle Court
Arthurs Seat VIC 3936

Purchase property reports for 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936 available all in the one place, right at your fingertips! With InfoTrackGO you can find credible and reliable information that will give you peace of mind when investing in your next big life decision.

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Reports for 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VIC

Development Application/s

1 hour

InformationA report that contains local council information about proposed developments that may impact, devalue or increase the value of the property. For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $42.00

Intellival Automated Valuation

1 hour

InformationAn Intellival Automated Valuation can give you key information and insights about your property. The report typically includes a price guide, property attributes, historical sale, recently sold properties and location insights. For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $30.00

VIC Title Search

1 hour

InformationThe copy of the Title, lists the current registered proprietors, any encumbrances, caveats or notices that apply to the land, but does not include a sketch of the plan. For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $40.00

Copy of Plan

1 hour

InformationCopy of the Title and Pan. Shows the subdivision of an original parcel of land, including legal boundaries and location of the parcel(s). For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $40.00

Lotsearch Environmental Contaminated Land Search

1 hour

InformationThese reports contain information extracted from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) public registers / website. This includes the EPA Contaminated Land List, Records of Notice, Former Gasworks, Licensed Activities and other relevant datasets. For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $99.00

Lotsearch Environmental Contaminated Land Screening Report

1 hour

InformationThis report contains a contaminated land screening assessment of your site. In addition to information from public registers, this report has details of historical land uses on or within a 50m radius of your site, going back 70 years that have been linked to contamination risk. Suitable for all property transactions. Order for a single address (multiple lots accepted). For 19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat 3936, VICSample report
AUD $550.00
Google street view for Arthurs Seat 3936, VIC19 Nestle Court, Arthurs Seat location

About the Area

Arthurs Seat with a population of 394 is a Urban locality in Victoria and part of the Mornington Peninsula region. Arthurs Seat covers an area of 8.815 square km and its elevation is 308 meters. Median income is $38,376. It is governed by the local government of Mornington Peninsula (Shire).

Region: Mornington Peninsula
LGA: Mornington Peninsula (Shire)
Timezone: Australia/Melbourne
Population: 0.39K
Median Income: $38.4K AUD

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